Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Cry Baby Cry Baby…

This episode begins with tears and ends the very same. It is almost as if the producers said they were preparing to take the show to broadway so they had prove who could drop the most tears. I hate to say that, as I believe some tears throughout the show more than others. Still, the producers could have made the show more authentic by dropping the tears throughout the episodes and not bundle them all into one.

Karlie Redd does not cry about the advice she gets from her manager. Apparently, she needs to drop Benzino because he is no longer relevant in the music industry. By that I mean, he does not have the “credibility” (arguable), that he had in the past with his rap career (bombed) and The Source Magazine. Most people do not like him because he is pretty wack. Not to mention, his head/body ratio is a little off. Benzino cries to Karlie Redd (literally – and I do mean tears) to keep their relationship going. He does point out that her career is just as irrelevant as his. That was funny! The boy does give good advice. Benzino pulls her back in by setting up a meeting with Vincent Herbert (husband/manager of Tamar Braxton). I would love to see what Vince heard from Karlie as he praised her music. Wait until Tamar gets a listen to this potential “client”. Once they hear what I did last week, he may change his mind very soon.

K Michelle has Mimi listen to a well written song about Mimi’s life with Stevie J. I loved the song and its harmonies. Mimi goes out to hear K. Michelle perform her new song. To her surprise, Stevie J is on stage performing a song for her as well. “I’m sick of all the fussing, fighting..”, sings Stevie. Um, if that was the case, would you not give up all the extra BS that you carry on? Mimi gets real and lets her emotions go. It seems she was tired and hurt from all of his antics and she finally released the pain through tears on the show.

More crying…Scrappy has a game of pool with his new “Boo”, Buckey. He goes on and on crying about this child support. He is such a freaking liar! He wants Buckey to believe that Erica is actually getting paid the child support. His broke ass was just telling his “BM”, Erica that he would pay her when he gets around to it. He did not even know that his daughter had her own bank accounts, yet he tells Buckey that he is the one who set the accounts up and that Erica just wants the money for herself. I think we can all agree by how he swooped his couch up out of the house where his child sleeps, he does not really put his child before himself. I mean, really? Take the sofa that your baby sits on?

K Michelle, I do love, but she is so wrong for complaining to her ex-boyfriend that she does not know why her relationships do not last. Could it be because you lead with your p#ssy-cat and not your personality? K Michelle goes on a date and throws that thing so far in his face, I am surprised he did not just start picking hair out of his teeth, right at the table. It is very obvious she has been emotionally scarred. She needs to learn how to love herself again, so that men can learn to love her as well. Love everything about her besides her “goods”. The ex gives her good advice, but she is clearly in denial.

Finally, Mimi gets her day in therapy. Stevie J accepts that he is a liar. I am relieved that he lets it out, but it must hurt to hear that he is no longer in love with Mimi. Although he is working on it, sometimes it is difficult to fall back in love with someone you once loved. He could not even definitively state that he was not in love with Joseline. That is a bit scary. Mimi should have her antennas completely in the air and stay aware of what happens around her, in regards to Stevie J.

The therapist quickly gets to the surface of the problems they are having. Especially, the enabling Mimi has been demonstrating over the years. He again delves deep into the root of the problems. Mimi had a non-existent mother who left her family for Scientology (the religion held by most Hollywood stars including Tom Cruise). Mimi lost that love in her life so she in turn tries to gain that love from others. Stevie on the other hand, never had a mother. She abandoned her family when Stevie was a baby. That goes to show why he can not respect women in the manner he should. This therapy session was indeed a good one. Their emotions were honest and it made me feel a little bad for Stevie J. Yes, he is a grown man who makes his own decisions, but he did not learn as a child where to channel his anger.

It seems next week we will be back to the fussing and fighting. Joseline will join the therapy session and she is a bit pissed when she learns that Mimi and Stevie J are working on the relationship they once had. While Joseline complained she wanted out of that contract giving Stevie 30% of her income. She claimed he did not own her and he was not leaving her “sex” alone. I guess she was wrong about both. For one, managers do not make 30%. That is very unusual. So I guess he does own her and by next week, we shall see him pass up that body too. *Most photos provided by